
^Undergraduate mentee

9 Turner, M. G., R. E. Heumann, N. G. Kiel, J. A. Warren, and C. C. Cleveland. in press. Reburning before recovery: effects of short interval fire on subalpine forest nitrogen stocks and fluxes. Ecosystems.

8 Kiel, N. G., E. F. Mavencamp^, and M. G. Turner. In press. Sparse subalpine forest recovery pathways, plant communities, and carbon stocks 34 years after stand-replacing fire. Ecological Monographs.

7 Ausavich^, Z. O. and N. G. Kiel. 2024. What the heart wants: adaptive significance of cordate leaf morphology in Arnica (Asteraceae). Western North American Naturalist 84(2): 243-249

6 Augustine, S. P., I. Bailey-Marren, K. T. Charton, N. G. Kiel, and M. S. Peyton. 2024. Improper data practices erode the quality of global ecological databases and impede the progress of ecological research. Global Change Biology 30:e17116

5 Kiel, N. G., W. H. Romme, and M. G. Turner. 2023. Snag-fall patterns following stand-replacing fire vary with bole characteristics and topography in subalpine forests of Greater Yellowstone. Forest Ecology and Management 549:121585

4 Kiel, N. G., K. H. Braziunas, and M. G. Turner. 2023. Peeking under the canopy: anomalously short fire-return intervals alter subalpine forest understory plant communities. New Phytologist

3 Braziunas, K. H., N. G. Kiel, and M. G. Turner. 2023. Less fuel for the next fire? Short-interval fire delays forest recovery and interacting drivers amplify effects. Ecology e4042

2 Kiel, N. G., and M. G. Turner. 2022. Where are the trees? Extent, configuration, and drivers of poor forest recovery 30 years after the 1988 Yellowstone fires. Forest Ecology and Management 524:120536

1 Kiel, N. G., G. R. Griffiths, and G. G. McGee. 2020. Can disruption of an ant-plant mutualism explain lack of recovery of forest herbs in post-agricultural forests of New York? Northeast Naturalist 27(2):215-228  

In review/Revision

Kiel, N. G. and M. G. Turner. Game- and inquiry-based learning improves undergraduate student attitudes toward and understanding of the nitrogen cycle. BioScience.

Kiel, N. G., D. A. Watts, A. B. Young, and M. Vellend. Snowmelt timing alters the phenology but not the performance of an understory spring ephemeral plant. Journal of Ecology.

Kiel, N. G. State Natural Areas and the evolution of land preservation in 20th-century Wisconsin. Arcadia.